Package-level declarations


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fun rememberFilePathDominantColorState(defaultColor: Color, defaultOnColor: Color, cacheSize: Int = DominantColorState.DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE, coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.Default, isSwatchValid: (Palette.Swatch) -> Boolean = { true }, builder: Palette.Builder.() -> Unit = {}): DominantColorState<String>

Wrapper around rememberDominantColorState that uses FilePathLoader to load the image.

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fun rememberFilePathPaletteState(cacheSize: Int = PaletteState.DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE, coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.Default, builder: Palette.Builder.() -> Unit = {}): PaletteState<String>

Wrapper around rememberPaletteState that uses FilePathLoader to load the image.

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fun String.rememberGeneratePalette(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.Default, block: Palette.Builder.() -> Unit = {}): PaletteResult

Generate and remember a PaletteResult from a absolute file path String.

fun Path.rememberGeneratePalette(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.Default, block: Palette.Builder.() -> Unit = {}): PaletteResult

Generate and remember a PaletteResult from a Path.

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fun rememberPathDominantColorState(defaultColor: Color, defaultOnColor: Color, cacheSize: Int = DominantColorState.DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE, coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.Default, isSwatchValid: (Palette.Swatch) -> Boolean = { true }, builder: Palette.Builder.() -> Unit = {}): DominantColorState<Path>

Wrapper around rememberDominantColorState that uses PathLoader to load the image.

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fun rememberPathPaletteState(cacheSize: Int = PaletteState.DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE, coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.Default, builder: Palette.Builder.() -> Unit = {}): PaletteState<Path>

Wrapper around rememberPaletteState that uses PathLoader to load the image.